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Bryannap | crabicthreel1994@mail.ru | ICQ:  388331485 25-06-2024 05:38:44
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The original occupant of an Egyptian sarcophagus was unknown. Then a tiny ornament revealed a very big name
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A sarcophagus discovered in 2009 in an Egyptian burial chamber came with a complicated history: Ancient writing on the stone container showed that it had been used twice, but while its second occupant, the 21st dynasty high priest Menkheperre, was known, the first owner had remained a mystery — until now.

New clues have surfaced as a result of Frederic Payraudeau, an associate professor in Egyptology at Sorbonne University in Paris, reexamining a fragment of the granite sarcophagus and deciphering the hieroglyphs engraved on it. Tucked away in the cartouche, an oval-shaped ornament often found in tombs, he found a name of a very recognizable figure: Ramesses II.
Payraudeau said the inscription is evidence that the artifact was originally from the tomb of the famous pharaoh and had been reused after looting.

“Clearly, this was the sarcophagus of a king,” Payraudeau said. “The cartouche dates back to its first usage, and contains Ramesses II’s throne name, Usermaatra. He was the only pharaoh to use this name during his time, so that cleared any doubt that it was his sarcophagus.”

The findings, published in the journal Revue d’Egyptologie, add to the lore of Ramesses II, also known as Ozymandias and one of Egypt’s most celebrated pharaohs. It also fills a gap in our understanding of how sarcophagi were used to entomb kings.
Ramesses II was the third king of the 19th dynasty, and his reign — from 1279 to 1213 BC — was the second longest in the history of Egypt. He was known for his victorious military campaigns and an interest in architecture, which led him to order up important monuments and statues of himself. His mummy is at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo.

Another coffin belonging to Ramesses II was discovered in 1881 near Luxor, but the sarcophagus fragment analyzed in the study was found in Abydos, a city about 40 miles (64 kilometers) to the northwest in a straight line.

“That is less bizarre than it seems,” Payraudeau said, “because we know his tomb was looted in the antiquity, maybe two centuries after his death, and he’s certainly not the only king to have been looted.”

The granite fragment, which is a nearly complete part of the longer side of the sarcophagus, was previously believed to have belonged to a prince. “But I always found this strange, because the decoration on this carefully crafted piece was indicative of a king, and had elements traditionally reserved for kings,” Payraudeau said.
WilburVaw | haucapup1990@mail.ru | ICQ:  315132622 25-06-2024 02:14:44
tripscan тор
African elephants use names to call each other, study suggests
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Wild African elephants may address each other using individualized calls that resemble the personal names used by humans, a new study suggests.

While dolphins are known to call one another by mimicking the signature whistle of the dolphin they want to address, and parrots have been found to address each other in a similar way, African elephants in Kenya may go a step further in identifying one another.

These elephants learn, recognize and use individualized name-like calls to address others of their kind, seemingly without using imitation, according to the study published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.
The most common type of elephant call is a rumble, of which there are three sub-categories. So-called contact rumbles are used to call another elephant that is far away or out of sight. Greeting rumbles are used when another elephant is within touching distance. Caregiver rumbles are used by an adolescent or adult female toward a calf she is caring for, according to the study.

The researchers looked at these three types of rumbles, using a machine-learning model to analyze recordings of 469 calls made by wild groups of females and calves in Amboseli National Park and Samburu and Buffalo Springs National Reserves between 1986 and 2022. All the elephants could be individually identified by the shape of their ears, as they had been monitored continuously for decades, according to the study.

The idea was that “if the calls contained something like a name, then you should be able to figure out who the call was addressed to just from the acoustic features of the call itself,” said lead study author Mickey Pardo, an animal behaviorist and postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University in New York.

The researchers found that the acoustic structure of calls varied depending on who the target of the call was.

The machine-learning model correctly identified the recipient of 27.5% of calls analyzed, “which may not sound like that much, but it was significantly more than what the model would have been able to do if we had just fed it random data,” Pardo told CNN.

“So that suggests that there’s something in the calls that’s allowing the model to identify who the intended receiver of the call was,” he added.
Robertgah | softhtonpie1988@mail.ru | ICQ:  266723585 25-06-2024 02:14:44
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The original occupant of an Egyptian sarcophagus was unknown. Then a tiny ornament revealed a very big name
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A sarcophagus discovered in 2009 in an Egyptian burial chamber came with a complicated history: Ancient writing on the stone container showed that it had been used twice, but while its second occupant, the 21st dynasty high priest Menkheperre, was known, the first owner had remained a mystery — until now.

New clues have surfaced as a result of Frederic Payraudeau, an associate professor in Egyptology at Sorbonne University in Paris, reexamining a fragment of the granite sarcophagus and deciphering the hieroglyphs engraved on it. Tucked away in the cartouche, an oval-shaped ornament often found in tombs, he found a name of a very recognizable figure: Ramesses II.
Payraudeau said the inscription is evidence that the artifact was originally from the tomb of the famous pharaoh and had been reused after looting.

“Clearly, this was the sarcophagus of a king,” Payraudeau said. “The cartouche dates back to its first usage, and contains Ramesses II’s throne name, Usermaatra. He was the only pharaoh to use this name during his time, so that cleared any doubt that it was his sarcophagus.”

The findings, published in the journal Revue d’Egyptologie, add to the lore of Ramesses II, also known as Ozymandias and one of Egypt’s most celebrated pharaohs. It also fills a gap in our understanding of how sarcophagi were used to entomb kings.
Ramesses II was the third king of the 19th dynasty, and his reign — from 1279 to 1213 BC — was the second longest in the history of Egypt. He was known for his victorious military campaigns and an interest in architecture, which led him to order up important monuments and statues of himself. His mummy is at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo.

Another coffin belonging to Ramesses II was discovered in 1881 near Luxor, but the sarcophagus fragment analyzed in the study was found in Abydos, a city about 40 miles (64 kilometers) to the northwest in a straight line.

“That is less bizarre than it seems,” Payraudeau said, “because we know his tomb was looted in the antiquity, maybe two centuries after his death, and he’s certainly not the only king to have been looted.”

The granite fragment, which is a nearly complete part of the longer side of the sarcophagus, was previously believed to have belonged to a prince. “But I always found this strange, because the decoration on this carefully crafted piece was indicative of a king, and had elements traditionally reserved for kings,” Payraudeau said.
RobertClure | hjk2419@mail.ru | ICQ:  276812134 24-06-2024 22:58:20
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Aaronwheme | trafared1993@rknantispam.org | ICQ:  173453444 23-06-2024 02:38:31
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VerukaTic | fleoroba@zaim-fin.com | ICQ:  338742667 22-06-2024 20:21:00
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FledraUnipt | fleshaty@zaim-fin.com | ICQ:  224668482 21-06-2024 23:17:58
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LarryTum | igorpavlov1979832@mail.ru | ICQ:  282515567 19-06-2024 08:21:59
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Airbus Beluga: World’s strangest-looking plane gets its own airline
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he Airbus Beluga, one of the world’s strangest airplanes, now has its own airline.

The odd-looking, oversized cargo plane — a favorite among planespotters around the world — has been in service for close to two decades. It mainly transports aircraft parts between Airbus’ manufacturing facilities spread throughout Europe.

Now, a new version of the Beluga is replacing the original fleet, which has gone on to power a standalone freight airline called Airbus Beluga Transport.

“There are very few options on the market for oversize items,” says Benoit Lemonnier, head of Airbus Beluga Transport. “Most often there’s a need to partially dismantle a payload to make it fit in an aircraft — whereas in the Beluga, it will just fit.”
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The very first Beluga was originally known as the Airbus Super Transporter. But after its nickname — derived from the resemblance to the white Arctic whale — gained popularity, Airbus decided to rename the aircraft Beluga ST, retaining the original name in the acronym.

It first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995, followed over the years by four more examples, the last of which was rolled out in late 2000.

“The Beluga was developed to transport large sections of Airbus aircraft from its factories in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Turkey to the final assembly lines located in Toulouse and Hamburg,” explains Lemonnier. “It is a very special design, because it’s actually a transformation of an A300-600 that had its entire head removed and then equipped with special fuselage shells, a bigger door and dedicated flight equipment.”

Before the Beluga, Airbus was using a fleet of Super Guppies, modified versions of 1950s Boeing Stratocruiser passenger planes that had previously been in service with NASA to ferry spacecraft parts. Now, history is repeating itself as the original Beluga is being replaced by a more spacious and advanced model, the Beluga XL.

Longer and bigger than the ST, the Beluga XL is capable of carrying both wings, rather than just one, of the Airbus A350, the company’s latest long-haul aircraft that rivals the Boeing 787 and 777.

“The XL is based on a much more modern platform, the A330,” Lemonnier adds. “Since 2018, six XLs have been built, and the latest one will be delivered very soon to the internal Airbus airline. The Beluga XL can fully substitute the Beluga ST on the internal Airbus network, so the STs can become available for alternative service.”
KennethDaf | vedenei810tarasov1999@bk.ru | ICQ:  332818573 19-06-2024 05:17:45
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The world’s most walkable cities revealed (and they aren’t in the US)
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Strap up, people, we’re going boots-on-the-ground for this week’s CNN Travel newsletter. Let’s leave the jet engines behind, quit viewing the world through screens and breathe in sweet lungfuls of adventure.
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Few things in life are as delightful as ambling around a new neighborhood in a new city, chancing upon cute stores, bars, eateries and public spaces. But decades of car-centric policies means lots of cities around the world lack an abundance of pedestrian-friendly streets, a new study called “The ABC of Mobility” has found.

The bigger and richer the city, the less likely it is to be easily walkable. But there are plenty of exceptions, as the stats from the study broken down by The Economist newspaper show.

The Mozambique seaport of Quelimane, population 350,000, comes out as the most foot-friendly of the 794 cities surveyed in the study, but there are some less off-the-radar destinations in Europe (whose metropolises rank considerably higher than those of the United States).

In the Netherlands, the tree-lined canals of Utrecht (No. 3) and the monumental splendor of The Hague (No. 27) are quieter alternatives to tourist favorite Amsterdam (No. 66).

In northern Spain, the port city of Bilbao (No. 8) is famous for its Frank Gehry–designed Guggenheim Museum, and Leon (No. 9) boasts Roman ruins and Gothic cathedrals.

Finally, in the Alpine region of Tyrol, where Italy meets Austria, Bolzano (No. 14) offers an opportunity to come face-to-face with Otzi the Iceman in the archaeological museum, while Innsbruck (No. 25) has world-class skiing and mountaineering.
Charlesstold | aksenovaamaliya19862442@inbox. | ICQ:  184667624 19-06-2024 05:17:41
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Airbus Beluga: World’s strangest-looking plane gets its own airline
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he Airbus Beluga, one of the world’s strangest airplanes, now has its own airline.

The odd-looking, oversized cargo plane — a favorite among planespotters around the world — has been in service for close to two decades. It mainly transports aircraft parts between Airbus’ manufacturing facilities spread throughout Europe.

Now, a new version of the Beluga is replacing the original fleet, which has gone on to power a standalone freight airline called Airbus Beluga Transport.

“There are very few options on the market for oversize items,” says Benoit Lemonnier, head of Airbus Beluga Transport. “Most often there’s a need to partially dismantle a payload to make it fit in an aircraft — whereas in the Beluga, it will just fit.”
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The very first Beluga was originally known as the Airbus Super Transporter. But after its nickname — derived from the resemblance to the white Arctic whale — gained popularity, Airbus decided to rename the aircraft Beluga ST, retaining the original name in the acronym.

It first flew in 1994 and entered service in 1995, followed over the years by four more examples, the last of which was rolled out in late 2000.

“The Beluga was developed to transport large sections of Airbus aircraft from its factories in France, Germany, the UK, Spain and Turkey to the final assembly lines located in Toulouse and Hamburg,” explains Lemonnier. “It is a very special design, because it’s actually a transformation of an A300-600 that had its entire head removed and then equipped with special fuselage shells, a bigger door and dedicated flight equipment.”

Before the Beluga, Airbus was using a fleet of Super Guppies, modified versions of 1950s Boeing Stratocruiser passenger planes that had previously been in service with NASA to ferry spacecraft parts. Now, history is repeating itself as the original Beluga is being replaced by a more spacious and advanced model, the Beluga XL.

Longer and bigger than the ST, the Beluga XL is capable of carrying both wings, rather than just one, of the Airbus A350, the company’s latest long-haul aircraft that rivals the Boeing 787 and 777.

“The XL is based on a much more modern platform, the A330,” Lemonnier adds. “Since 2018, six XLs have been built, and the latest one will be delivered very soon to the internal Airbus airline. The Beluga XL can fully substitute the Beluga ST on the internal Airbus network, so the STs can become available for alternative service.”
Rubengok | ksyusha_fomina_1996@bk.ru | ICQ:  148857357 19-06-2024 04:59:41
kraken официальный сайт
The world’s most walkable cities revealed (and they aren’t in the US)
[url=https://kraken13g.at]kraken14 at[/url]
Strap up, people, we’re going boots-on-the-ground for this week’s CNN Travel newsletter. Let’s leave the jet engines behind, quit viewing the world through screens and breathe in sweet lungfuls of adventure.
kraken тор
Few things in life are as delightful as ambling around a new neighborhood in a new city, chancing upon cute stores, bars, eateries and public spaces. But decades of car-centric policies means lots of cities around the world lack an abundance of pedestrian-friendly streets, a new study called “The ABC of Mobility” has found.

The bigger and richer the city, the less likely it is to be easily walkable. But there are plenty of exceptions, as the stats from the study broken down by The Economist newspaper show.

The Mozambique seaport of Quelimane, population 350,000, comes out as the most foot-friendly of the 794 cities surveyed in the study, but there are some less off-the-radar destinations in Europe (whose metropolises rank considerably higher than those of the United States).

In the Netherlands, the tree-lined canals of Utrecht (No. 3) and the monumental splendor of The Hague (No. 27) are quieter alternatives to tourist favorite Amsterdam (No. 66).

In northern Spain, the port city of Bilbao (No. 8) is famous for its Frank Gehry–designed Guggenheim Museum, and Leon (No. 9) boasts Roman ruins and Gothic cathedrals.

Finally, in the Alpine region of Tyrol, where Italy meets Austria, Bolzano (No. 14) offers an opportunity to come face-to-face with Otzi the Iceman in the archaeological museum, while Innsbruck (No. 25) has world-class skiing and mountaineering.
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